Magento 2 Customer Account Links Manager

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Customer group account links manager extension lets you manage customer’s account dashboard links in an easy and convenient way. Now you can disable and create new links In Admin.

It is possible to create a sets of links per every customer group. Thus links that are assigned to specific group will become protected automatically. Other customers will not see such links in their dasboard. More than that link's path will be forbidden even for navigating it directly from browser address bar.

In Magento Admin you can set sort order to rearrange links on Frontend. Also there are two special types of link - "Title" and "Delimiter" that allows you to group links to be displayed in sections on the frontend. 

To have a unique look for some link it is possible to specify a CSS class.


Installation instructions

  1. Create app/code/Magebrew/CustomerAccountLinks folder in Magento directory
  2. Uncompress downloaded files to app/code/Magebrew/CustomerAccountLinks
  3. Run bin/magento setup:upgrade to enable extension
  4. Run bin/magento deploy:mode:set production to compile the code and enable Production mode
  5. Enable extension in Magento Admin in Stores->Configuration->Magebrew Extensions->Customer Groups Account Links Manager